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foundation north
pelorus trust

All Weather Green Build Progress

The Helensville bowling club would like to express their thanks to the following organizations for their kind contributions towards this project. Pelorus Trust, Foundation North, NZ Community Trust, NZ Racing Board, Blue Sky Community Trust. Please visit our Sponsors Page for more information.


Green 2 Completed.


4th June 16.  Completed . Test roll up 16 seconds. 


4/6  Completed last items around green ditch and pathways. Test roll up 16 seconds.

3/6  Stretching completed, started ironing seams.

2/6  Continuing stretching north/south.

1/6  Continuing stretching east/west, started north/south.


31/5 Stitching completed, started stretching east/west, finished surrounding pathway turf.



30/5  Still experiencing sewing problems, technician on site, running ok afternoon, two thirds sewn. Drain system connected to storm water outlet.

27/5  Technician couldn't resolve tensioner and unit taken to workshop.

26/5  Commenced sewing of carpet, but encountered problems with machine.

25/5  Extreme weather, heavy thunder storms, rained off.

24/5  Finished attaching gripper strips, showers most of day.

23/5  Rained most of day, able to attach some grippers.


20/5  Under felt sewing completed, red turf around green pathway nearly finished, path repaired where ramp was.
19/5  Gluing red turf around pathways, sewing under felt, dropper under ramp replaced, Greengauge carpet delivered.
18/5  Laid ditch turf, replaced section of under felt where stitching not satisfactory.
17/5  Tried sewing between showers, rained off.
16/5  Finished laying chip and applied tack coat, rechecked levels and given compliance.
15/5  Scrapped high spots on east end, checked levels, started re spreading chip coat.
14/5  Clearing up chip affected by rain and removing.

10/5  Removed loose chip, await three days fine weather to spray, relay chip and apply tack coat then lay and sew under felt.
9/5  Uncovered green, rolled under felt, scrapped chip coat level, broke bonded surface.
6/5  Showers, covered with under felt held down with bags metal.
5/5  Chip coat applied, surface reworked to NZSTI plan.
4/5  Final levelling of base, sprayed with Sportscrete, NZSTI laser checked two metre grid.
3/5  Continued with pathway, levelling surface.
2/5  Started pathway turf work.
27/4  Sportscrete hardener arrived, air freighted ex Melbourne.
22/4  Tractor delivered after oil leak repair.

UPDATE:  22/4  Tractor delivered back to site.
                    15/4  Tractor away repaired for oil leak.
                    13/4  Rolled and laser checked.
                     9/4  Spreading CAP7 last metal to base.
                     7/4  Filling ditch with GAP20 to required WB depth.
                     5/4  Gaps between path and topper board filled with mortar.
                     4/4  Removed metal Ramp, stripped pathway turf, further levelling and rolling.
                            NZST laser checked levels.

UPDATE:  1/4 Base metal compacted ready for laser level check
UPDATE:  8/3 NZSTI checked plinth level every 2 mtrs. certified variation 7mm, allowable
                  World Bowls specification 10mm.
UPDATE:  5/3 Plane  plinth to datum level completed.
UPDATE:  1/3 Plinth first and second boards completed.
UPDATE:  19/2 First plinth board completed north end, continued spreading base metal.

UPDATE: 3/02/16. Plinth boards removed.

UPDATE: 11/02/16. Storage Container, Geotech, Megaflow drainage, pathway grass and base material delivered.

UPDATE: 12/02/16. Water balsted plinth base. cleared ditches, metal into pathways, bucket loader and laser leveller delivered.

UPDATE: 15/02/16. Base laser levelled, ramp rebuilt, started laying geotch cloth.

UPDATE: 16/02/16. Pathways compacted, geotech laying completed, Megaflow drainage system laid.

UPDATE: 17/02/16. Drainage compaction completed, metal between drains started, new plinth boards started on north end - rained off.

UPDATE: 24/01/16. Clearing of weed
UPDATE: 25/01/16. Onsite meeting with Project Team Terry Cullen, Rod Treadaway, Alan Melrose with Brett Jenkins and onsite Project Manager Eric V from contractors Superturf.
Laser level set for foundation excavation work.
UPDATE: 27/01/16. Ramp constructed, foilage scrapped off and dumped on club property.
UPDATE: 28/01/16. Commenced excavation work, soil trucked off site. Pathway grass strips dug out, ditches cleared, inside of plinth trimmed to excavation depth 200mm.
UPDATE: 29/01/16. Excavation three quarters completed, pathways finished.
UPDATE: 30/1/16. Excavation completed midday, ramp rebuilt.





38 Awaroa Rd, Helensville 0800, New Zealand

©2021 by Helensville Bowling Club. 


09-420 8316


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